Before you start to calculate 829 Cups, you should know the conversion rate between Cups and Liter.
The rate is 0.23690525659672 and the math equation is 829 X 0.23690525659672 = 196.39445771868 .
Quick conversion chart of Cups to Liters
1 Cup to Liter = 0.23690525659672 Liter5 Cup to Liter = 1.1845262829836 Liter10 Cup to Liter = 2.3690525659672 Liter20 Cup to Liter = 4.7381051319343 Liter30 Cup to Liter = 7.1071576979015 Liter40 Cup to Liter = 9.4762102638687 Liter50 Cup to Liter = 11.845262829836 Liter75 Cup to Liter = 17.767894244754 Liter100 Cup to Liter = 23.690525659672 Liter